Immaculate Heart of Mary Custom Tile 2

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Immaculate Heart of Mary Custom Tile 2 Affiliate icon

A beautiful and inspiring depiction of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Virgin Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, to your Immaculate Heart we consecrate ourselves in an act of total entrustment and oblation to the Lord. By you, we will be led to Christ, your Son and only begotten Son of God, and by Him and with Him to His Eternal Father. We shall walk in the light of faith, of hope, and of love so that the world may believe that Christ is the One sent by the Father to give to us His Word and we, as His ambassadors, shall carry His knowledge and love to the ends of the earth. Thus under maternal protection of your Immaculate Heart, we will be one people with Christ, ransomed by His death and witnesses of His Resurrection and by Him led to the Father for the glory of the Most Holy Trinity whom we adore, praise and bless. Amen. O Heart most Pure of the Blessed Virgin Mary, obtain for me from Jesus, a pure and humble heart.

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