1685 Map - New Belgium, The New World, New England Poster

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1685 Map _ New Belgium The New World New England Poster Affiliate icon

Novi Belgii Novæque Angliæ - Vintage 17th Century Map by Nicolaes Visscher (Nicolas Visscher) A beautiful old colonial era map of New England, New York, New Jersey and parts of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Canada and surrounding regions. High Resolution image suitable for large or small copies. This is a reproduction and may have been digitally enhanced to brighten contrast, repair flaws, major stains, etcetera. Options such as border sizes, background and border colors, and certain text may be edited and changed if you like. Just click the customize button. All of the Fine Art, Vintage Reproductions, Classic Prints, and other Antique Images in our gallery have been carefully edited, cleaned up and placed on products to provide the best possible results. We may not have as many items for sale as some of the bulk stores, but please be assured that we pay attention to the details and design each product for maximum positive effect. The images are reproduced here from very high resolution files, so you can be confident that the quality will remain the best. The images have been edited and cleaned up. Image courtesy of OldBookArt.com.

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