Metatron's Cube Series V5 Tapestry

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Metatrons Cube Series V5 Tapestry Affiliate icon

In the subject of sacred geometry, Metatron's Cube is considered to be a matrix of information hosting the fundamental framework for the structuring of the physical world. From atomic and molecular composition below, cosmic systems above, and everything in between. Manifesting out of the flower of life pattern and the hosting framework of the 'fruit of life', this matrix contains the five fundamental platonic volumes (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron, and dodecahedron) within simultaneously. The fruit of life framework is composed of twelve equal size circles oriented hexagonally around a central thirteen circle. Twelve around one relationships mirror many mythological and religious stories around the world. Such as the twelve disciples around Jesus, the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve gods and goddesses around Zeus, the twelve knights at the round table around King Arthur, and the most fundamental with the twelve signs/houses of the zodiac around the central thirteenth Sun. Solar allegories describe a plan of spiritual birth and purification within ourselves through twelve types of ordeal. The twelve signs of the zodiac, twelve disciples, twelve tribes, and pantheon of twelve gods and goddesses represent twelve archetypal principles within everyone. These are our own twelve phases of transformation, the soul’s journey home through twelve ordeals, the stages of growth necessary in order to become whole and enlightened. These twelve grades of being and twelve stages of unfoldment are ways we seek identity with our higher self. Knowledge of twelve-step processes was considered useful for the conscious development of a perfected individual, whom the Greeks called Ho Nikon, The Conqueror. One whose head’s twelve cranial nerves are energized to liberate the individual as an enlightened being, a solar conqueror, world savior, avatar, messiah of the age.

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