Yarnell, Arizona Zombies Postcard

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Yarnell Arizona Zombies Postcard Affiliate icon

7/10/13 6:21am- Practice runs. Road blocks. Declaring this a flood-zone so now it is Govt controlled that you cannot be on federal land. topic on the street. Alex Jones is labelled a hate monger yet all these years I have been told by people who listen is that he stands up for stuff- We went to Nichols West after long day with 1hr45m sleep just doing, doing, doing and I told Sonny as much as the meal was alright- the tone of Simon walking away- what was that all about? I did not want to go to Arrowhead (TIRED) and yet Sonny went in and said someone I know was in there- it was very nice to see Sarah & William P. (William was 2nd in line when we got to come back to Yarnell)- what's the chances of THAT guy being there- ok, thank you to the Congress lady that knows George/Delores and for the warm kind words & hug- perfect timing because that briefing was so filled with b.s.- it is not strange that an English man would question Govt. control since he experienced the epitomy of "big brotherism". It is very strange that the shelter ended up having a homeless woman that was not an evacuee yet she stated she saw officials with maps of Arizona landmarks before the fires even began and the topic was on "flood plain/mineral rights" so to have her approach me was indeed odd. PERCEPTION. A topic in both Tex and my life since day one. He sees things from one perspective (grew up mainly mountain man or simply just FREE in the modern society) and me (grew up a mix blend of both cookie cutter world and seen from rooftops and hilltops the whole picture= remember I was told to go to the principal's office when I explained people applaud and clap to things they do not even get what they are clapping to- and I saw this exact thing last night. People have to realize that morning I was thinking lay low and away from the media so people can see their losses in private yet when I returned I had a loss too I have not publicized yet I wonder if that loss would of been if the media was allowed to be here if they signed a contract that the state/federal was not liable for them due to fire but I wonder if the people want to trust the govt. than the govt. will continue to exercise more and more control. The press keeps a damper on that. For instance, who the hell knows what the govt police forces were doing when everyone including the press was locked out. what the hell was there to hide? We hear it was for our SAFETY- which I understand such for so many levels may it be wires burned/air quality/etc/ yet my concern was I can understand not allowing press into residential area yet they locked them out from highway 89/business area and that I could not understand- Sonny feels "they do not lock them out of war zones so why lock them out on a fire concern or any danger zone if they want to go there- this IS America. American freedom of press is clearly stated in the first amendment. When you dilute the freedom of press you empower the govt. to operate under secrecy. We as citizens need to be informed of every move of the govt. for it is our servant. Even if few folks feel they have been intruded on because their home no longer exists- let's face reality as it is- our freedoms are much more important than govt. control than the safety claims. If it is so dangerous why is it ok for homeowners/renters/law enforcement/govt inspectors/etc can tromp around in there yet not the press." Joy and Sonny seem to have perception differentials on this topic because Joy feels people who just faced a loss- should have the right to solid privacy away from people so really it is all about HOW we perceive life and lifestyles because I am about freedom too. I believe the media is just a TOOL in the game of life either to rid of or gain something- I have never seen media in the same light as others. I feel the media does not always give you the facts that needs to be put out due to legailities as well as liabilities. The editors out there feed the world what they perceive not necessarily what the reporter feeds the editors- Alex Jones even though people have a belief he gives it real and raw- he can't- he can to his best ability yet in this modern world we have become scared to state the truth- This fire was witnessed and we are legal with permits to be where we were and do what we NORMALLY do - I am the desert walker & hiker and it has been profiled and factual reported in the media field so me being there was not planned- Friday, I got a call inquiring if I was hiking that area from Ronda & I explained due to heavy lightning with no rain I did not hike that area yet I was out over towards peeples valley/Norton and Ronda stated a fire started on Congress side by lightning and she was watching it. We than later hiked by the towers for height to see fire but we could not see one in visual. The next day we did go out 5.5 miles and it was hot and the terrain was dense in vegetation and that week in ONE DAY we walked/hiked 42 miles so we were spent/blistered so I stated we will retry Sunday around 4am- I noted a black bear on way back Saturday- NOW HERE IT IS- Sunday- evacuation day- we headed out between 4-5am and it was thick vegetation and MUCH scaling boulders and fighting bear wallowed bushes and to see that beautiful ranch from above and photo it to learn it is no longer there- SAD. We arrived almost to the top and at 8:07am the "look out/spotter" guy inquired what was the best way up (NOT THE GUY ON NEWS LAST NIGHT REPORTED TO BE THE SPOTTER- OLDER MAN WE SPOKE TO) he went on with pink ribbons tied to bushes so his crew knew where to find him/t he fire. Out of curiosity we went 50 yards from smoldering fire that was indeed tiny and containable. The smoke was heavy on the Congress side. We went higher to see that view. At that point the look out man stated "Due to the fact we are not geared up and that they soon plan to drop retardant, we need to head back" so I wanted to go the simple way back on the jeep trail yet mountain man Sonny strongly refused to listen to me and we went a much more difficult terrain to get back- had we went MY way- we'd not be here talking about it for that fire took where I wanted to go and destroyed it- very sad to see as well sad to see ALL the hovering observing aircrafts as I walked the rim watching a containable fire than become flared up and fierce from them flying so low and from the base of the mountain by Peeples Valley- it took just 14 minutes to travel uphill and destroy so much- a whole mountain side as well as wildlife. We were spent an took a respite in a wash and something got us up and moving- had we stayed in that wash any longer- we would not be here for that is all burnt as well. When got back, Delbert stated mandatory evacuation was already employed and we just shrugged it and took shower and went to diner and inquired there to learn there was none to than there was one. We got back and the new managers stated we had 1 hour to get out of town yet the old manager Mary stated with much emphasis to leave IMMEDIATELY so to soothe matters because remember we were 50 yards at the fire and that was 8 miles west of Oak Park so in our minds the fire was far away but we decided we'd go over to Penny's and watch it from the hillside yet when we arrived she was outside concerned that her son was blocked from entering north to get her & her 7 dogs, 2 cats, and 2 birds so we brought them all to her son in Congress- we went to Wickenburg and we plan to stay at Kamal's Westerner Motel but the air quality was so poor and we headed to Prescott Shelter. That was our evacuation experience and we not talk much more about it to people because our main focus right now is helping the people in this community even if your home is still standing- we are helping anyone even if you did not face the heavy loss- we all faced something in this tragedy and it is a tragedy I feel could of been avoidable. I feel strongly as I have photos I will never share to media or families or public yet I was there and I took the photos LIVE- saw it- and what the HEAD person ordered was a death ticket for these men- and could of been me and Sonny too had I went my way not the mountain man's way. I did not go up there that day to see the fire that near- it was the blinding boulders and curiousity to know which side the fire was on (Congress or Yarnell side)- I think this matter needs to focus the investigation on meteorology facts of when the wind/weather took place, WHY so much observing hovering at low altitude with the various aircrafts fanning the small containable fire, and as well when did the spotter go and what location was the look out/spotter at that moment? I know that terrain so I want that answer- I also want to know location of firefighters and why they were told to travel low versus the rim because we saw those rolling blazes so WHO put the order for such a tragedy because now you have homeowners holding guilt that these men lost their lives saving their homes yet the fact is and we are not professional firefighters yet common sense you do not travel with the tornado effect of this fierce flames in the manner they did. We saw all those men at 9:18am that morning as I joked and stated I was glad they were there to relieve me as if I was one of them with humor/smiles and let me say that Doce fire and the walk in had these firefighters spent looking on some and to watch from the rim- they sat at most times or stood standing but we did not observe any fighting the fire that was containable at that point and we watched until 10:30am and then headed back and arrived back at 2:30pm- May God be with us all-======================= the walking dead live amongst us...what perfect timing to post this on zazzle- I am watching on dvd The Walking Dead Season 2 right now- zazzle keeps deleting comments I leave- maybe I will contact Alex Jones 7/3/13 because I expressed my concern to an officer and even the red cross (they "misplaced" a sensitive paper of the list of names I had of the missing people that are elders most with no vehicle and have impairments/disabilities/pets and knowing how sensitive the topic was why would you take the paper except I was told they will see what they can do next with the list- YEAH, lose it- oh I mean misplace it. I have to state these folks have been top notch in sheltering needs yet when I fell apart last night and the women spent time with me I did not feel the same warmth as the lady that said good morning to us that was there yesterday that joked on the allstate teddy thing- I am disappointed in the manner this is unfolding because the media is not understanding this town is mainly seniors/widows who do not have loved ones and have disabilities and no vehicle. ok, the below is what zazzle deleted probably due to too much rambling for the comment wall area so I will put it here- ====I did leave a message here yet it was not approved I guess by zazzle- understood yet it was the fact thank you for your messages Kevin C, Diane C, Paul, Courtney V, Jason T, Christina C, Rod P, Dee S, etc THANK YOU for all the messages from the folks I don't even know at all as well. I am so happy to have finally met an Arizona girl with her mom- they have been a blessing to share joy & laughter with- thank you Lord. ==== on 7/2/2013 3:10:53 PM to have the football people/player here at the shelter today- I was very disturbed when they first arrived because I am so eager to get to Congress to do what I do BEST and that is hike that Stanton hill and get hilltop photos for these communities and I hear there is martial law & officers restricting the area due to air quality so on THAT note I get it but it took the reporter Eddi in photo to make me SNAP OUT of it when she said the visit is for "relief" to some struggling- that Eddi is a fine woman. A real deal kind of person. What a reporter SHOULD BE- I want to get shots so she can be the first to get them but Eddi had no concern to that- she just wanted me to be at ease and she was aces-here she is- ======= 7/5/13 3:33pm- what a week- so sorry for the lack of calls and communication- I have been very concerned for the families that had losses as well as the missing folks and I feel a sense of guilt to the people I care for in Congress as well as I feel guilty for the way Sonny has to deal with any pending legal stuff- so sad- because he is such a fine person and minus me out of the equation I doubt he'd ever see a legal concern so guilt lays heavy there. We met Pastor Walter "Check" McGill at the VA today and let me share his contact info- === TransAmerican Crosswalk 2014 (humility, prayer, repentance, and healing) - 2 Chronicles 7:14- Let your light shine...by walking the walk.--- cell 731-610-7341- PO BOX 424 Idyllwild, CA 92549 info@TransAmericanCrosswalk2014.com / www.Transamericancrosswalk2014.com / 1-800-754-8021 ---- I want to wish all that left in the last 24 hours travel safety and we miss you Julie Rogers- you were a "glow" to this week. thank you. Diana, you stand out too like such. I want to thank Barb/Chris again and the whole Red Cross team of folks. I am very thankful- Teresa at the VA; special thank you for your warmth today. Thank you to the VA/Jessica/Dan as well as DAV. Thank you to Walmart/Target/Republican Women of Arizona=====JOHN- we do not do facebook but remember years ago the fire dept Pete in Yarnell called us to let us know that the description of wyatt was in Yarnell- I wish you could LOOK because Wyatt is on MISSING FROM YARNELL HILL FIRE from an older man- I want to know if it is Wyatt. I just had Maribel message the page. Glen Taylor- PlEASE contact me- we do not want wyatt if you have him but we sure would like to visit him- we love him dearly.

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